Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday = Market Day!

So today marks the halfway point of my London journey.  Not quite sure how I really feel about that.  I do miss my family and friends, but there is still so much left here that I want to do and see!  However, it is Saturday, so of course that means I had to get my gluten free crepe today!!! 
I woke up early this morning to go to Portobello Market.  I think this is my favorite place in London so far.  I love all of the shops around it AND there is a frozen yogurt place, Bubblology (a tea shop like Tea Garden!--- all of you Minnesotans know my excitement there), and today I found Hummingbird Bakery, which makes gluten free red velvet cupcakes!  OH MY GOODNESS!!!  I did not let myself get anything today, because I was saving up for that delicious crepe that I have been thinking about for the past week, but this is just another reason to go back another day! 
So anyway back to Portobello Market.  I know I have talked about it before, but it is filled with vintage, jewelry, and clothing stands.  Right up my alley!  They also have a lot of fresh produce, which I might have gone a little overboard on today, but everything is just so cheap and looks so delicious at 8 in the morning!  Raspberries, mangos, blackberries, blueberries, avocados, peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots… looks like it’s going to be vegetable stir fry and fruit salad for the next couple of days!!!
I’m laughing at myself right now.  If people didn’t know what I looked like they would think I was really obese after reading my blog….. All I talk about is food!!!  I promise I’ll find something different to talk about next time, but I hope you all have a great weekend!

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