Friday, November 16, 2012

Talk About Cultural!

First off I apologize; I know I haven’t been posting and keeping you all up to date very often anymore.  On my way back from Germany I had a bit of a reality check on the amount of time I have left here in London and the overwhelming amount of things I still want to see and do yet before I have to leave.  So the organized freak inside of me took out my notebook and wrote a huge list of everything that I want to do.  As I looked back and forth from my calendar to my list I came to the conclusion that I needed to do at least one thing on my list every single day in order to complete everything.

First stop Chinatown!  I just love cultural places like this.  I found myself sitting there and watching the variety of people walk through the area.  It is so intriguing to me to think of where people come from, their beliefs, daily practices, and ways of life and how they differ from my own.  Of course while I was in Chinatown I had to pick up some authentic Chinese groceries to make myself some delicious food later on. 

For my religions class this week we visited a beautiful Turkish mosque where we learned about the religious practices, faith, and history behind Islam.  We got to observe some in their time of prayer and had to participate in customs such as taking off our shoes when entering as a sign of being clean and wearing a headscarf.  

Next we went to another mosque to dine in a traditional Turkish meal.  We once again had to take off our shoes and all gathered on cushions on the floor around a table.  First course was delicious hummus and another type of cucumber dip.  Next it was time for Adana kebab, or grilled lamb with spices.  All I have to say is I am really beginning to love lamb.  Yum, yum, yum!  Surly an experience I will never forget.   And talk about a cultural past few days! 

I also made a stop to M&M World in Leicester Square.  I stepped on a mood analysis there of “what’s your color” where it told me that my color mood was white: “you feel the urge to do some good… eating chocolate is good!”  Okay thanks mood analyzer… on it!!! 

Leicester Square is also where the cast of Twilight all came for the final movie premiere of the series this week, so of course I had to go walk in the footsteps of some pretty charming individuals just to make my sister jealous ;)  

Have a great weekend and I promise I will be sure to update again very soon!

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