Saturday, November 17, 2012

Covent Garden

It is Saturday aka gluten free crepe day!!! By now the lady knows me by name as well as my order: nutella and banana.  I am not ashamed at this and to be considered a “loyal customer”.  I seriously look forward to this day every week! 

I also spend a good part of my day at Covent Garden, which was on my list.  There was so much to see and do: a lot of shopping, restaurants, and vendors.  

There were also many street performers that filled the pathways of Covent Garden. I found myself enjoying many of them, but my favorite was a group of violinists.

This area is so beautiful at night time.  They now have all of their Christmas lights and decorations up.  It still feels so strange to me though because it should not be 50 something degrees outside when there are Christmas decorations and cheer filling the city of London.  

I hope you all are finding yourselves in the holiday spirit back home.
Cheers!   -Brittany

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