Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ice Cream and Football

I know I said I wasn't going to talk about food again, buttt I found a Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream Shop yesterday and they had Cherry Garcia!!!  MY ONE TRUE LOVE!  The guy did not believe me when I ordered a large.  Proved him wrong and ate the whole thing.  I love my ice cream! 

Last night I also took in some English culture and attended a football, soccer, game.  Quite fascinating and way different than the rugby game I went to a month ago.  Huge sections of the crowd were on their feet and literally screaming different chants nonstop throughout the entire game.  They were beating a drum and everything.  I am not kidding you when I say nonstop too.  There was not one moment of silence.  After a goal was scored I also spotted a little boy about 5 or 6 years old in front of the crowd with his jersey off, jumping up and down, and swinging it around in the air.  It made me laugh it was so adorable!  The crowd was pretty equivalent to American football crowds, which is what I expected.  People were very into the game, booing the referee’s calls, and going insane when their team did something well.  I enjoyed it a lot don’t get me wrong, but it made me miss being able to watch American football back in the states.  Of course I make sure to watch the Packer game here every weekend, but it is not the same sitting here with my jersey on, eyes peeled to my computer screen, yelling and cheering by myself.    

Side note: A couple people have told me how lucky I am to have missed out on all of the political ads, talk, and nonsense the past couple of months.  But oh trust me I did not miss out... The UK thinks America is their best friend and they basically love Obama as much as the Queen.  The election talk has made the front page of the newspapers daily since I have been here, there are posters everywhere, it's on every TV channel, and as soon as someone knows your American they want to talk politics with you and get your insights.  Rather annoying.  Literally every building I walked into yesterday had their TV or radio on a channel that was talking all about the election.  Today everyone is just ecstatic about the results. In my 3 hour advertising and media class this morning the TV was on the entire time talking about last night... NO JOKE!  I am curious as to how much longer the talk and news broadcast will continue now that the election is finally over.

Sending all my love from London back home!

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