Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Back to reality

Essay after essay after essay… but finally I have completed my midterms!  Nothing exciting to really share because writing is basically all I have been doing since I returned from Spain.   

Settling back into life in London was a bit interesting.  I found myself being fascinated by British accents again.  I have also caught myself saying: sí and gracias when talking to someone even though we just had a conversation in English… whoops (:  I do have to admit that I miss the warm Spain weather!!!  I found it to be so cold here when I got back, but Spain did spoil me with 70’s and sunshine for a whole week.  London’s 50 degree weather should not be a bother to me with it being the beginning of November.  I still have not been able to get over the fact that all of the locals here are wearing their heavy winter coats and think I am insane to be outside in just a sweater and a scarf or a light jacket.  I don’t think I will ever get over it.  The Midwest has raised me to believe that 40 and 50 degree weather is beautiful!  I am going to be in a real weather shock when I get back to the states though because the temperature will hardly change the rest of the time I am here.  I was talking with a British student the other night a bit about Brit’s and just how dramatic they are.  She told me if it snows, which it usually does once every winter, everyone “gets into a fancy” and will shut everything down and just be beside themselves like they have never seen or heard of such a thing before!  She is totally right though--- Brit’s are SO DRAMATIC, which I have still found to be really entertaining. 
Little entertaining side note for you: my tutor, or professor, this morning was telling us how he is living a “gluten free diet”.  No less than an hour later I see him shoving a cupcake in his face, which was not gluten free!  He also talks about beer constantly.  Pretty sure he has no idea what living a gluten free life really means. 
- Brittany

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