Thursday, October 4, 2012

Conforming to the Locals

I feel more and more like a Londoner everyday!  Rolls have reversed and people have been asking me for directions, which surprisingly I am able to give for the most part! YAY!  I guess I must look like I belong here while walking down the street or in the tube station.  I do feel like I am just apart of the crowd now.  I keep up with "London pace" while I am navigating my way and I have also found myself to get irritated when people stop and stand in my way or they don't know where they are going.  I always have to remind myself that that was me three weeks ago, so I really can't get irritated.  I don't know if you remember me saying this when I first arrived, but people here are not nearly as social as in America.  Everyone is in their own little bubble while walking and traveling.  It is weird to smile, say hi, or even make eye contact with someone unless you know who they are.  At first I found that to be rude, but I have grown accustomed to it and have realized that it really is not rude, it is just their way of life here.  Another interesting tid-bit I have been picking up on is their sense of humor, which is an absolute zero!  I have yet to understand British humor, basically I think it is no-existent.  They do laugh, but it is at the strangest things.  I am realizing just how sarcastic I actually am when I talk because people take you very seriously here even if you are laughing.  It is strange.  On another note: classes are going great!  I really am enjoying them a lot!  We have gone out to different museums, places of worship, and spots throughout London, which has made everything much more informative and interesting for me.  I did learn today a bit about British media.  If you want a TV in your home you have to pay a license fee every year of £150.  Also, after 9pm there are no rules for TV.  Anything goes.  Swearing, nudity, drugs, you name it and it is on TV. 

 Just chillin' with the Queen ;)

 And the Prince!
 Anna and I made stuffed mushrooms tonight for dinner and they were DELICIOUS!  Probably one of the best meals I have had so far here!

My lovely mother and sister are on their way to London very shortly here!  I am so excited to see them and show them all around London!  I have lots of "touristy" things planned, which I know they will love.  We will take lots of pictures for you all to enjoy as well :) 

Cheers!  <3 Brittany

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