Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Little Hello

The American inside me caved and got Starbucks today… the signs for the Pumpkin Spice Latte that I walk by every single day were just difficult to pass up this morning! 

I feel like I talk about food a lot, but it really is something I have to think about daily with my allergies and my attempt to gain healthy weight.  So to continue on my food topic, I made a new best friend the other day! A vendor gave me 3 mangos, 4 peppers, and 4 bananas for £1! (:  Everything was so delicious, especially the mangos which were perfectly ripe.  One of my favorite things about London is being able to get all of my favorite foods for so cheap!  Fresh salmon, sweet potatoes, peppers, mangos, avocados, raspberries--- yum, yum, yum! 
Other than that I don’t really have that much exciting news for you.  I have basically been doing homework and reading the past couple of days.  I know I shared this earlier, but tutors, or the American term professors, do not assign readings or strict essay topics here.  I get to choose what I want to research more in depth based off of the class period and then write my essay on whatever interests me.  It is a bit difficult at times to find my own research and books without any guidelines, but it is much more enjoyable and I feel like I am actually getting something useful out of it!
For those of you who haven’t heard of my exciting European vacation plans yet: on Saturday Anna and I will be on our way to Spain for an entire week, in November I am going to Germany for a long weekend, and the beginning of December I am going to Paris for a long weekend.  I hope to get a few more long weekend trips in while I am here, but that is all I have booked so far.  I am so overjoyed and I feel so privileged to be able to experience everything I have so far.  It really has been a dream come true to me.  

Miss you all!   Love, Brittany

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