Friday, October 5, 2012

Guess Who's Here!!!

My two wonderful visitors have arrived! One of them was bright and shining as ever :p

But I am so glad to have them here with me and to show them my "home away from home" for the next couple of days!  They got a small taste of "London life" today as I took them on the tube or underground immediately.  Little bit of a low key day--- we went to my favorite organic food cafe for lunch, saw St Paul's Cathedral, went to a museum, and of course enjoyed some afternoon tea.  My mom kept commenting on how intrigued she was by the British accents, word usage, and the diversity here.  I told her that she hasn't seen anything yet--- I am curious to see what she thinks tomorrow because we really did not go out of "my little area" too much today.  I did let them go to bed now and get rested up for the big day I have planned for them tomorrow: Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Westminster Abby, and of course taking a double-decker bus to get to everything!  We are also going to see Wicked, which I am super excited about!!!  It is very popular here right now and a must see in London! 
I am going to be spending some quality, loving family time with them the next few days, so I will not post again until they leave London Monday night.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and check back Monday for stories and pictures from our fabulous weekend!
Much love--- Brittany 

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