Thursday, October 11, 2012


Become a member of the chocolate society--- check!!!   Today Anna, Betsey, Ryan, and I went to our first official chocolate meeting at the University of London.  We are required to join a club or organization while studying abroad, so we decided to find something soothing and enjoyable, which lead us to the best thing I think I have ever been a part of--- chocolate society!!!  Yes it is basically what you are thinking it is, play chocolate trivia games and eat chocolate.  Right up my alley.  It was the perfect way to end this class week. 

I am also joining a gluten free society while I am here.  I am sure it will benefit me and give me some insights that I will be able to take with me forever.  The group meets in a coffee or tea shop every month and basically imparts their gluten free wisdom among everyone.  I haven’t gone to a meeting yet, but I am very excited to learn what others have found to be helpful and tasty! 

I have actually been noticing gluten free options in almost every bakery or café that I have been into, which is fascinating to me because I really did not see that back in the states.  Maybe that is because it was so new and a bit overwhelming to me and let’s face it, I was in Wisconsin…..  It just helps me feel at home here, knowing I can find something new and delicious everywhere I go.  And I do have a bit of a sweet tooth I must say :)

Well since I am already on the topic of food, what I actually miss from home the most is food… sorry, but if I am being honest I could really go for some decent cheese, a brat, and Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream.  Okay now I sound like a Wisconsinite, but it is true!  I already told my mom to make sure the fridge is stocked with those three things when I return! 
Hopefully you all are relieved to know that I am not even the slightest bit homesick yet.  I think you can tell from all of my posts so far how much of a truly amazing time I have been having here in London.  The truth once again, if I ever get sad it is thinking about having to leave this place and come home in almost two months already.  I cannot believe how fast the time has gone so far!  But I really cannot think about that right now and I need to make every moment I am here in London count.  Good thing I am going to a castle tomorrow :)

I do miss you all though and I hope everything is great back home!

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