Monday, October 1, 2012

Museum of London

The Museum of London is without a doubt the best museum I have ever been to!  I was so impressed and captivated by the presentation and content provided here that it made me want to "dive in" and learn even more about the history of London and how it evolved into the city it is today. 

   Collage wall of pictures pieced together of modern day "London life". 
The “introduction exhibit” took modern day items and compared them to years ago.  It was really interesting and helped me to get in the mindset and realization of times and how things have evolved overtime. 


Before coming here I did not know anything about British history.  Since I have been here I am beginning to learn so much about it!  It is helpful that all museums are free here :)  
Today I learned that London contains nearly 2000 years of rubbish underneath the city, where archeologists have dug 6 meters down to reach Roman layers.  Each layer holds a different, significant story to London’s history.  I think that is so cool!
The Museum of London had a really interesting technology aspect throughout it where infromative, yet interesting, videos were projected on the walls.  One of my favorite parts was how interactive the museum was.  It was very well designed in creating “real-life” spaces to walk through and be a part of instead of just looking at a collection inside a glass box and reading a boring piece of information.  I think the presentation in itself showed me a lot about British culture and how important the history and heritage is to the people here.  I have never seen a museum presented in such a way that was so captivating to the eye and left me wanting to know more.  The city of London is so popular and loved.  The people here hold a sense of community and confidence in their city that make it powerful and a place like no other!

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