Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Taste of Home

As I sit here this morning attempting to gather together my pictures and stories from this past weekend, searching for my creative juices, I can’t seem to get myself to think beyond my sensation of sheer joy from my taste of home--- literally.  Warm AMERICAN coffee and homemade gluten free pumpkin bread, made by my mother of course, seem to be the perfect way to reflect and transition from my “touristy” weekend back to my “Londoner” reality. 

As you can see, I have not really taken in many of the “touristy” sights since I have been here, mainly to save it to do with my family, so I was excited for them to arrive and be able to take in the iconic attractions of London.  Needless to say it was a learning experience for all of us.  We started out the day on a double-decker bus to Buckingham Palace.  My two favorite modes of transportation here are the buses and walking.  I love being able to take in what is going on around me.  When we got off the bus and were walking towards the palace I noticed a crowd of people gathered around guards on horses.  We decided to walk down and check it out.  I had absolutely no idea what was going on, but I later figured out that we were watching the changing of the guard’s horse parade.  I don’t think either one of us fully understood what was going on or even why it was so popular, but I do have to agree that it was a neat experience to see, especially because I feel like it helped me to understand a bit more about British culture.  Buckingham Palace is surrounded by parks, so on our way there we walked through one of the famous ones seen in many movies, St. James Park.  When we approached Buckingham Palace it was complete chaos.  Apparently we had arrived just in time to see the changing of the guards, as well as the palace guards marching band parade.  Eventful to say the least!  Seeing just how many people were gathered around to witness in these events just goes to show how beloved every aspect dealing with the royal family is here.  They really do worship the Queen and treasure her so much.  I see her face respectfully displayed daily. 

 Standing where the Olympic beach volleyball court was!

 She makes friends everywhere she goes...

To continue on our “touristy day” we made our way to Big Ben, the house of Parliament.  Big Ben is located on the river running through London, so we were able to see the London Eye and a few other spectacular sights from it.  We then made our way to what I think was one of my mom and I’s favorite part of the weekend, Westminster Abbey.  I knew prior how to get into the Abbey from a fellow friend here, which I surprised them with doing.  We were privileged to get to enjoy the choral evening song service, which is held in the part of the abbey where William and Kate where married.  All I really have to say is that it was 45 minutes of pure bliss and awe.  No pictures allowed, sorry--- you will just have to come see for yourself!

After the service it was time to head back and get a bit of rest before we made our way to Apollo Victoria Theatre to see WICKED!!!  I can’t even begin to form the words at how excited I was to see this and how much I absolutely loved it!  Hands down my two favorite parts of the whole weekend were Westminster and Wicked.  MUST SEE!  

Bright and shinning Sunday morning we made our way to Camden Market, which I knew my sister would love and I believe I was correct on that!  It caters to young adults and tourists.  I forgot to take pictures, but it basically is a market filled with clothes, shoes, accessories, and tourist things.  It is also a bargain game here, which is something that is none of our strong suits, but I am sure I will get better at it because I will defiantly be making a trip back here.  The rest of the day was spent showing them a bit more of my typical day-to-day life here.  We had lunch at a delicious pastry and dessert café in Brunswick Centre, located right around the corner from me.  I also showed them a couple of my favorite spots to go, as well as where my classes are here at the University of London.  For dinner we took in the typical British meal and night scene--- a pub, where my mom tasted the iconic flavor of cider and fish and chips.  (I have yet to find a gluten free or un-breaded fish in a pub here, but I am more than determined!)

 Someone now likes tea :)
Weather-wise, Sunday was the most perfect day!  Monday on the other hand was defiantly a taste of typical London weather--- rain, rain, and more rain, so we spent the day down on Oxford shopping.  Our first stop was Primark where Olivia fell in love and spent about a bazillion pounds, but hey I am sure over the course of time being here I will too.  Like my mom said--- this place is dangerous!  Not only is the store HUGE, but it has the cutest things for the cheapest prices.  I also took them to the famous toy store here, Hamleys.  But, then it was time to pack their suitcases to near explosion and send them off on the tube to a hotel near the airport for their flight back to the states early the next morning. 
 She also loves Primark!

 Lego Royal Family in Hamleys.

Wow that was a fast four day weekend, but well worth every minute of it!!!  With my mom and sister being here I began to realize just how much I have already conformed to British culture and society in just the short three weeks that I have been here.  They kept commenting on the accents, different word usage, looking the other way when crossing the street, transportation and restaurant etiquette, etc.  It made me realize that I don’t even notice the difference anymore.  Everything just seems normal and right to me now, which I find to be a really great thing.  I also realized though how much I do have still to learn about the history and political culture of London.  I don’t think I was able to answer hardly any of their questions on our Saturday “touristy” day… oops!  Reflecting over the long weekend I realized how much I love London as a local and not a tourist.  Don’t get me wrong, it was great to take in all of the iconic things here, but it got to be a bit much for me.  I am much more perfectly content being my Londoner self than walking around snapping pictures and being dumbfounded like an insane American tourist. 
Not to make this post any longer, but I would like to say a very special thank you to my wonderful Grandma who came to stay at our house for the past week to give my cat her insulin shots, so my mom and sister could come here to see me.  Thanks so much Grandma!  I am filled with joy that my mom and sister got to come.  It was truly great to see them here in London and give them a small taste of my absolutely amazing life here!!!  

Cheers!   -Brittany

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