Sunday, September 30, 2012

From City to Country

I don’t even know where to begin other than to say that England has surpassed my expectations and has become the most beautiful place I have ever seen.  Friday morning I hopped on a bus to the countryside.  We made our first stop at the ever-so-famous Stonehenge.  A little background knowledge for those of you who are unfamiliar: these stones were placed between 3000 and 1600 B.C. in a circular structure aligned with the rising of the midsummer sun and the midwinter sunset. 

I was in absolute awe the entire bus ride to the city of Bath.  Driving through the curvy, narrow roads and looking out at the view of luscious green fields with roaming sheep and small country villages, I don’t think anything could ever compare to those couple hours.  While approaching the city of Bath, I learned a few “fun facts”.  It is said to be the most gorgeous city in all of England (AGREED!), Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have a house in this city, and it has one of only three shop-lined bridges in the world. 

First in Bath we toured the ‘Roman Baths’, which is a bathhouse that was constructed by the Romans nearly 2000 years ago over the springs so that they could enjoy the benefits of the waters.  It was really interesting to walk through and see this temple.  

 We were given what I called “ancient cell phones” where were able to listen to and gain more knowledge while walking through.

 Women's makeup

After coming out of the ‘Roman Baths’, we came across a British wedding in an absolutely gorgeous cathedral.  All of the women were dressed up wearing hats or some form of fancy headpieces.  It was so cool!

Later that night we got diner and enjoyed the nightlife at the local pub.  I got to enjoy a ‘taste of England’ by eating a gluten free pasty!

The next day, Saturday, we got the privilege to attend a professional rugby match.  I have never watched this sport before, nor did I know anything about it.  I do have to say it was quite interesting.  Not really ‘my cup of tea’, but I am glad that I got to be able to be a part of something so popular here.  Spectators were dressed in Halloween costumes, which I never really got an explanation for.  I also found it interesting that it took people awhile to get into the game.  It was not until after the second half that fans started really cheering, yelling, and getting into the game. 

I experienced my first stay in a hostel in Bath, which I have to say was quite different.  I don’t think I really cared for it that much, but it is a great concept for students traveling in Europe.  And the view was spectacular!

This morning, Sunday, we hopped back on a bus and drove through the beautiful countryside again to a very small village called Avebury, which is home to the largest stone circle in the world.  These stones were set up way back when the Egyptians were building pyramids, so it is said to be even more historic than Stonehenge, but not as worldly known. 

We also got the opportunity to go through Avebury Manor, which is a historic house and important piece to the town.  All I have to say is that it was breathtaking!  The artwork of the interior was impressive, as well as the many gardens that surrounded the house. 

 The toilet

My pictures and words do not even do justice to the beauty of this country.  I had the most difficult time writing this entry and trying to form the words to explain to you all what I just experienced this weekend.  I cannot express how awestruck I am by England.  It is without a doubt a must-see!!!  

Love, Brittany

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