Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"College Life"

My dad messaged me the other day informing me that he enjoyed the fact that I was having a lot of fun, but he thought I was here for school too! Yes, yes I am here for school as well, but we were given a week to get settled in and adjusted to life in London. Now that I have gotten over the initial "OMG I AM IN LONDON" phase, I am beginning to get my bearings and can focus my attention over to the "college life". My classes start tomorrow, which I am very excited for. I am curious to compare the UK teaching style to what I am used to back home. I will be taking general education classes, as well as some elective credits, where I hope to broaden knowledge about British culture.

I am having an absolute blast in my housing unit. I am located in what is called the "student hub" of London, so the building I am living in is filled with college students from around the world. Everyday so far I have managed to meet someone knew and gain a greater understanding of the culture and world around me. I am so intrigued talking to these individuals and learning about their lives. Some things really surprise me like:
-Just how popular our music is all around the world, but yet they have not yet heard recent hits. What is popular here now are songs that were popular in America a year ago.
-Hollister and Abercrombie are popular here and worn among college students instead of high schoolers and middle schoolers.
-Young people grow up and become independent in Europe much faster than in America, in my opinion. 

In just the short time I have been here so far, I am beginning to realize just how much I have already learned about not only the cultures and lifestyles of others that differ from me, but also myself.  I am so glad that my adjustment to life in London has gone amazingly well so far!


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