Monday, September 17, 2012

Not too much excitement for today.  I did however find a wonderful little grocery store a couple blocks from my flat!  My friend Anna, who is vegetarian, and I were in desperate search of some gluten free and vegetarian food.  Conveniently fate brought us to a specifically gluten free and vegetarian grocery store!  It was perfect and very reasonably priced as well. 

Some interesting things I have learned so far about the London life:

1.      Having an outlet in a bathroom is illegal for safety reasons.
2.      Most people do not go grocery shopping themselves.  They do it online and have it delivered.  They also only buy food for a couple days to a week at a time because food expires much quicker due to illegal usage of most preservatives. 
3.      Fast food is EXPENSIVE!!! For instance: a McDonald’s big mac is 7£ = about $11.25. It will cost you that much (7£) to go to a café and get an actual meal and coffee here. 
4.      The UK thinks of America as their “best friends”.  They are much assimilated with us.  They also think of themselves as “the bridge” between America and Europe.
5.      The presidential election is just as talked about and broadcasted here as it is back home.  Obama is like a “celebrity” in the UK and no one understands why we would ever vote differently, but they are very interested in knowing our political views and reasons. 
6.      Pedestrians do not have the right away anywhere.  The cars will literally run into you if you step out in front of them or walk too slow across the street.
7.      Gas prices are roughly 7£ to 8£, which would be about $11.50-$12.50 a gallon.  Holy cow!
8.      A little saying my director told us that Londoners use to define Americans: “perfect teeth, shitty shoes”, which is the complete opposite for Londoners.
Thinking of you all!

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