Monday, September 10, 2012


I am so excited and ready for this adventure to begin that I can hardly stand waiting any longer!  Thank goodness I will be sitting in O'Hare airport in just 5 days waiting to board my much anticipated flight to LONDON!  Packing so far has been a success--- surprisingly I have fit everything for the next 3 and a half months into one, yes just one, suitcase and a carry on.  For those of you who know me well, know how close to impossible that must have been for me.  Thankfully I will be able to share in London's love of fashion and take advantage of the shopping opportunities throughout Europe!
On a side note- excitingly enough my roommate in London is studying to be a dietitian!  Hopefully she will provide me with some good insights to my "diet" and such. 
Also for those of you looking to write me while I am abroad my address is:
Brittany Bernitt
19-29 Woburn Place

Thanks for following my blog :)

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