Sunday, September 23, 2012

British Museum

Today ended up being a cold, wet, and rainy day, so Anna, Matt, and I hoped on a bus to the British Museum for the day! I am normally not a museum person, but I was so intrigued by everything here.  Matt graciously shared his knowledge of the place and became Anna and my 'tour guide' for the day. One of the things I love most about this city is the diversity.  Everyday I walk outside I hear a variety of language being spoken and I see so many different types of people. I have to admit I was a bit worried about fitting in here and not looking like an outsider, but I do not feel like that one bit.  This city embraces diversity and allows everyone to have their own personal sense of style and way of life. There is something truly calming to me about London. It's crazy to me that I have been here for one week and it already feels like home.  I have already made some incredible memories and friendships that I know will last a lifetime and I cannot wait to see what these next 3 months have in store for me.   <3 Brittany

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