Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's Love

I mean that literally! This place seriously is my one true love!!!  Yesterday I hoped on a bus, yes of course a double-decker one, with some friends down to Somerset House to LONDON FASHION WEEK!!!  First of all this venue was spectacular just like everything else here.  Second of all, it was a once of a lifetime experience watching a big screen fashion show in London.  We then headed down to a store called Primark, which is very popular here.  It is similar to an H&M store, but even more reasonable in price.  I have never seen anything like it.  It was like a zoo.  We didn’t even get through 1/16 of the store and I already had an armful.  Later that night our whole class went to watch ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ at Shakespeare Globe Theatre.  I’m not a big Shakespeare/play fan, but it was really interesting to see this gorgeous outdoor theatre and to even have the opportunity to be a part of something so beloved here.  I found myself watching more of the audience and seeing how intrigued and invested they were, than watching the actual play itself.

Today so far has defiantly been a relaxing and catch up on sleep day; however, Anna and I did make some wonderful new discoveries. We went to the shopping plaza around the corner to get some very much needed coffee and apparently there was a farmers market going on in the center of the plaza.  Anna spotted a sign that said “gluten free crepes” and of course we had to check it out!  We ordered our seriously life changing nutella strawberry and banana crepes and had a conversation with the lady.  She is there every Saturday and she said that she had two American exchange students that came to visit her every Saturday last semester and now they are gone.  Anna and I told her not to worry that we will most certainly take their place!  This crepe was delicious! I meant to take a picture to share, but I forgot, haha next time.  We also stumbled across a very reasonably priced organic café that serves rice pasta, frozen yogurt, and fresh fruit smoothies. 
I will promise to post more pictures soon, but I keep forgetting my camera, so I have to wait until my friends post them and then I will share with you all!  But otherwise I really don’t think I could want anything more out of life right now. 
Much love, Brittany

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