Thursday, November 29, 2012

Olympic Park

I decided it was about time I took a visit out to Olympic Park in Stratford.  It has been cool to see the different Olympic things around London and think back to a few months ago when I was sitting at home watching everything in pure excitement of how I was going to be there soon.  And now here I am and sometimes it still doesn't even feel real to me that I am actually in London.

 explanation of what you're looking at if you don't know... the aquatics centre, orbit, water polo arena, and olympic stadium 

I've had a few people ask me what this is and it is the mascot of the London Olympic Games.  If you want to learn more about it and what it represents here you go:

And for those of you who don’t know yet… I am headed to Paris tonight for the weekend, so tune in Monday for some wonderful pictures and stories! 

Love, Brittany 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Winter Wonderland

Even though it is in the 50’s and beautiful outside and I did not get a Thanksgiving that has not stopped me from getting into the Christmas spirit what-so-ever!  I have been hearing and reading about Winter Wonderland for the past couple of weeks as posters and articles have been swarming the underground stations and newspapers.  It is one big gigantic Christmas carnival complete with an ice rink, ice kingdom, circus, rides, Santa land, market, and of course hot chocolate and Christmas sweets!

 Double-decker bus kiddie ride :)

It takes place in Hyde Park and I was surprised at how huge it really was.  There was so much there we defiantly did not even get to all of it.  At night everything was lit up.  It was so beautiful and magical I absolutely loved it!  There was so much Christmas joy and spirit that surrounded me.  It in a way made up for knowing that my family was back home decorating for Christmas without me.

FYI: I am listening to Christmas music and drinking hot chocolate right now :) 
Love, Brittany 

Saturday, November 24, 2012


In the spirit of Christmas I have been partaking in the holiday shopping madness the past few days.  Oxford Street and Regent Street, the two big shopping areas, were blocked off from traffic for a Christmas shopping festivities day complete with carolers, activities booths, and street performers.  Even through it was a rainy day I still thoroughly enjoyed the holiday spirit that surrounded me.

I also finally paid a visit to the extremely posh London Victoria’s Secret, which opened a few months ago and is the very first international Victoria’s Secret.

 4 floors of wonderfulness

 dog showcase

 fashion show window displays!

Harrod’s is a famous, classy department store here.  Their window displays were absolutely breathtaking!  It was difficult to take pictures with the reflection of the glass, but each window was a portrayal of a different Disney princess in high fashion. 

If you are curious on seeing better pictures of the displays I found a link:

I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday weekend!  Missing my family and friends back home right now!   -Brittany
P.S.- It’s Saturday, so I will give you one guess as to what I had to eat today ;) 

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from London!!!  Even though they do not celebrate Thanksgiving across the pond, I am overcome with emotions today as I think about everyone back home celebrating.  As much as I am so thankful for this amazing and life changing experience, I am even more thankful for my absolutely wonderful family and friends that I am so incredibly blessed to have in my life.  I would give anything to be back home today to celebrate.  Instead I spent my very first and only Thanksgiving ever in class and eating Indian food, which I guess in an odd way helped to take my mind off of the day.  
Missing you all!   -Brittany 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hyde Park

It was yet again another beautiful autumn day here in London, so I took it upon myself to take a stroll through Hyde Park.  I find it so therapeutic to just sit at the parks here and take in everything around me.  And that is exactly what I needed today as it marks my one month I have left here in London.  Usually that has been only a content and bittersweet feeling, but today it was rather emotional.  I found myself tearing up at the thought of: when will I ever be here living in London and seeing this everyday again.    Sadly the answer is probably never.  But I really need to stop thinking about all of that and make the most of my last month here.  So I got up and continued on my walk through Hyde Park. 

Hyde Park is one of the locations of the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Walk, which is a seven-mile-long walk that goes through: St James's Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens.
The path takes you within sight of famous buildings and locations associated with the Princess during her life.  One of the stops in Hyde Park is a fountain that was built as a memorial to Diana.  The design aims to reflect her life: water flows from the highest point in two directions as it cascades, swirls, and bubbles before meeting in a calm pool at the bottom.

Cheers!  -Brittany 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

East End

Rise and shine America its Packer Sunday!!!  Still proudly showing my pride every Sunday here in London (:
For my British Experience Seminar class taught by my directors we are given assignments that involve us in the city and culture of London.  Today Ryan, Blaize, and I went on our “walking tour” through the East End: London’s contemporary art centre.  Needless to say it was so beautiful!  Thank goodness Blaize was along and took over control as the “tour guide” because Ryan and I kept getting side tracked and found ourselves wandering off towards something we spotted out of the corner of our eyes.  A little background knowledge: the East End is one of the most vibrant and culturally diverse as well as often over-looked neighborhoods of London.  The Bangladeshi and South-Indian community’s influences are strongly felt throughout the streets.  A lot of artists also live, work, and display their art in East End today. 

First we walked down Folgate Street and Elder Street which are lined with absolutely beautiful Georgian houses, which previously housed silk weavers back in the late 19th and 20th centuries.  If I could live in one of these I would seriously be happy for life.  This might sound creepy, but I was peering into some of the windows as I was walking down the road and I was just in awe of the exquisiteness I saw.  It is moments like these that I find myself really envying the lives of Londoners. 

Next it was onto Commercial Street, which you could immediately tell was the “main street” of the area.  Ryan and I immediately spotted ‘Urban Outfitters’, which is one of our favorite stores back home so of course we had to get off track again and take a quick look.  There were many adorable vintage shops that lined Commercial Street, which I could look at all day every day.  We came across Old Spitalfields Market and decided to brace the crowd and make our way through.  I am so glad we did because the stands were filled with more vintage things and accessories, arts and crafts, fruits and veggies, and ethnic shops. The market was very crowded though, so we didn’t stay long and decided to keep on with our “walking tour”.  I am sure Ryan and I will make a point to get back though! 

Next stop was the English-Baroque structure of Christ Church.  It is considered one of the most important English-Baroque structures in the country.  

There was a little park next to the church, which we also took the time to walk through.  All of the autumn leaves that filled the ground just put a smile to my face.  Of course I walked through them all kicking my boots through the autumn leaves. 

Off to Brick Lane next, which is filled with many curry shops, funky boutiques, and shops selling sorts of Asian sub-continent items.  The street signs in this area are all written in English and Bengali.  I immediately noticed the variety of shops and ethnic food restaurants when we started on Brick Lane, but as we continued I started to notice the diversity in people that filled the streets.  I felt like a minority here and it then hit me that I think I feel like a minority everywhere in London.  I don’t even think there is a majority.  The city really is that diverse.  

It is here on Brick Lane where we really noticed the art influence of the East End.  So much beautiful graffiti everywhere!  We wandered off into a couple side streets and alleys just to capture and appreciate the beautiful art around us.  Don't worry mom and dad I was safe :p 

The weather today was so beautiful.  I am so glad that I convinced Ryan and Blaize to come walk with me through London’s East End.  I am still just amazed at the culture of London.  You really can walk in a different direction every day and find a completely different and new experience.  This city is so diverse and has so many wonderful things to offer I can’t believe I am still finding new things after being here for two months.  

Much love -Brittany 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Covent Garden

It is Saturday aka gluten free crepe day!!! By now the lady knows me by name as well as my order: nutella and banana.  I am not ashamed at this and to be considered a “loyal customer”.  I seriously look forward to this day every week! 

I also spend a good part of my day at Covent Garden, which was on my list.  There was so much to see and do: a lot of shopping, restaurants, and vendors.  

There were also many street performers that filled the pathways of Covent Garden. I found myself enjoying many of them, but my favorite was a group of violinists.

This area is so beautiful at night time.  They now have all of their Christmas lights and decorations up.  It still feels so strange to me though because it should not be 50 something degrees outside when there are Christmas decorations and cheer filling the city of London.  

I hope you all are finding yourselves in the holiday spirit back home.
Cheers!   -Brittany