Monday, December 3, 2012

Paris, France: Dreams Do Come True

Late Thursday night I hopped on a bus to Paris for the weekend.  I did not actually realize this until my mom said it to me, but I was on my way to make one of my lifelong dreams come true: seeing the Eiffel Tower.  I got hardly any sleep as my anticipation grew while crossing the English Channel into France.

Bright and shining Friday morning we got off the bus and we were greeted by what felt like insanely cold temperatures, 35 degrees.  After successful navigation of the Metro and finding our place, we took a brief rest and began our first day in Paris.  We decided to walk, as we could already see the Eiffel Tower from our place!  Wandering the streets of Paris I could not help but smile at the sights around me.  We came across Dôme des Invalides, which we had no idea what it was, but it was beautiful. 

Next we made our way to the ever-so-famous Eiffel Tower!  Bear with me as I took a bazillion pictures from every angle possible…  I couldn’t help it!!!  I was just in complete awe!  

We roamed around a bit more and it was time to grab some hot chocolate to warm us up.  Words cannot even describe how delicious it was.  I have never had anything like it before.  It was so creamy and rich I could have kept on drinking it.  

While sipping our cup full of wonderfulness, we made our way to Arc de Triomphe and did a bit of shopping down Champs-Élysées. 

The sunset was now approaching, so we made our way back to the Eiffel Tower and waited in line to go up it.  I really don’t even know how to begin to describe this.  For those of you who don’t know the Eiffel Tower has been a complete fascination of mine since I can remember.  Every paper and project I had to do in school was on the Eiffel Tower.  I have dreamed about this moment for forever and I could not believe that it was actually coming true!!!  It was SO BEAUTIFUL, especially watching the sunset from it.  Each floor had restaurants and shops on it as well.  It was just such a surreal and memorable moment in my life that I will never, ever forget. 

Saturday morning Ryan and I woke up early once again to go to Disneyland just outside of Paris.  What a completely magical day!  I would highly recommend going to any of the Disney parks around Christmas time.  I have been the Disney in Florida, but being here with all of the Christmas joy and spirit made it all the more of a magical experience.  Yes it was extremely cold again, but good thing they had delicious hot chocolate everywhere here!  We went to the two parks: Disneyland Park and Walk Disney Studios Park.  EuroDisney is celebrating their 20th year Anniversary this year, so there was a lot of excitement going on around us. 

 Disneyland Park 

 Sleeping Beauty's Castle 


 Christmas parade where I saw Santa and they had fake snow coming from the buildings.  So magical! 

 Toy Story 

 Mickey and the gang


 Walt Disney Studios Park

Sunday morning we made our way to the largest market in Europe, which of course happens to be in Paris.  So many scarves!  And this market went on for miles and miles!  We definitely didn’t get through the entire thing, especially considering we were freezing again.  I was with two people from Texas and one from Iowa.  The two from Texas have never felt weather this cold, so they were in a real shock, but Alicia and I kept telling each other that this was nothing, but our bodies just weren’t having it.  All of our muscles were so stiff and sore from walking so much in the cold.  After the market we went back to our flat for a cup of tea and a little rest.  Then it was off to the Notre Dame.  There were street tents alongside the river selling gorgeous artwork and vintage French pieces.  I loved looking at everything. 

 Street performer 

By the Notre Dame is the famous bridge where people write on a lock and attach it to the bridge and it is supposed to give them good luck in love.  

We then headed towards the Louvre, but stopped to do a bit of necessary shopping along the way.  The Louvre is one huge art museum that is all I have to say.  We were on a mission to find the ‘Mona Lisa’ of course and it took us quite a while, but we saw some amazing pieces on the way.  Finally we got to it and I have been warned about this before, but I still couldn’t believe how small it was.  And of course it was behind layers and layers of glass.
 Chillin with the Mona :) 

In the center of the Louvre is a big glass pyramid.  Perfect timing again as it was just getting dark when we came out of the Louvre, so we go to see parts of Paris all lite up again.

We dreaded the walk back to our flat as it was time to back up and catch our late night bus back to London.  As we were leaving the city I just happened to turn my head and look out the window to see the tip of the Eiffel Tower lit up.  It was icing on the cake for me.  So far I have been ready and glad to come home to London, but this time I am not quite so sure… I really loved Paris so much!!!  This was a trip I will surely never forget. 

A few interesting tidbits to share with you:
Listening to people say that Paris is not what they expected, it’s dirty, people are rude, etc., but Paris did meet all of my expectations hands down!  And I had high expectations, so I don’t know what those weirdos were talking about!!!  There were crepes and pastry shops on every corner, baguettes, artists and artwork, flowers, beautiful buildings, mopeds, and of course beautiful French men!  But the French seem to have a bad reputation, especially in Europe.  No country really likes them and refers to them as dirty and smelly.  They are also found in the butt of most jokes.  They are also known to be rude and not the best of people.  I found this to not be true at all, as everyone we talked to was so friendly, welcoming, and helpful towards us.  I also know a total of three French words, so communication was difficult especially when Ryan and I were in Disney because we were the two that knew nothing.  I couldn’t help but laugh when we were trying to communicate and we automatically resorted to a Spanish twist without even realizing it.  So basically we were attempting to speak three different languages in one.  Their letters are also pronounced in the weirdest ways, I couldn’t even figure out how to say road names and Metro stops, so after failing multiple times I came up with my own names of foods that the words looked like.  So in words of me: we had a very lovely weekend stay in beautiful Paris on the corner of Boulevard de Vinegar and Boulevard de Pastry.  (:  

Hope all of your weekends were wonderful and magical just like mine was!
Love, Brittany 

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