Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My London Favorites

In my attempts to limit the amount of overwhelming questions I will get once I return home, here are my London adventure favorites! 

Top 5 favorite things I did (in no particular order):
1.       Les Miserables Musical
2.       Christmas lighting celebration on Oxford
3.       Big Ben and House of Parliament tour
4.       Westminster Abbey services
5.    And of course  Sitting on top of double-decker bus in front row :)

Other Favorites:
-Market: Portobello
-Royal Park: Hyde Park
-Store: Primark
-Food: ham, fried eggs, chips and of course those gluten free crepes!
-Museum: The Victoria and Albert Museum  
-Class: Art in London
-Street: Oxford Street
-Restaurant: Fastoche
-Christmas display: Covent Garden
-Tube line: the Piccadilly (:
-Underground station: Tottenham Court
-British word: pissed, it means drunk here... that makes me sound horrible, but it's my favorite because it make me laugh 
-Place visited outside of England: Toledo, Spain and Paris, France
-Place visited within England: Bath 

Cheers! -Brittany 

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