Thursday, December 13, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

This famous saying is everywhere here in Britain and has been my motivation the past couple of days as I push through my large amounts of final homework and attempt to study with the one thought that is constantly in my mind: leaving.  

‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ was a propaganda poster produced by the British government during World War II.  Its intention was to raise the spirits of the British public when the Nazis invaded the UK.  In 2000 the poster was rediscovered in a warehouse and reclaimed for the recession in hopes to raise spirits of the British public once again.  As you all know it has since gained much popularity around the world and has been used as the decorative theme in various ways for many products.

Today marks one week left in my London adventure.  My morning seminar I sat there and listened to my directors talk to us about departure, returning home, and reverse culture shock.  Later on I gave my final religion presentation and took my exam.  Needless to say it was quite an unsettling day and I caught myself holding back tears numerous times.  

We had to finish statements today in class about returning home and I am going to share a few with you all.
1. When I think of leaving, I feel...
2. My experiences here have been...
something I can't even begin to describe!
3. For me, the UK has been...
hospitable, quite lovely, and the home of a truly life changing experience.
4. The things I will miss are...
crepes, the friendships I have made, the cultural diversity, the tube and double-decker buses, telephone booths and pubs on every corner, markets, British accents... almost everything!
5. The things I will be happy to leave behind are...
cheese, pigeons, people smoking everywhere, and the almost double conversion currency. 
6. The easiest point of leaving for me will be...
knowing I get to see my family and friends and be home for Christmas.
7. Before I leave I really want to...
figure out how to pick up London and bring it all back with me!
8. The ways I think I have changed are...
independence, confidence, and being more culturally and globally aware of the world I live in.
9. The most stressful part of leaving will be...
knowing I will probably never have the chance to live in London again.
10.  The easiest part about leaving will be...
knowing that once I get off the place I get to hug my wonderful mom and sister and go sleep in my own bed!

For those of you in school I wish you all the best with your finals.  And for the rest of you I hope the Christmas cheer is overriding the Christmas stress.  If it's not then grab yourself a cup of tea and remind yourself that it is the little things in life that count.  You will hopefully instantly start to feel better... at least I do :)

Love, Brittany 

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